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 LEA Consolidated Application

Georgia’s local educational agency (LEA) Consolidated Application fulfills the need for a plan from LEAs to be collected by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) to define how the LEAs will support their students when accepting federal funds under The Elementary and Secondary Education Act​ of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. The annual Consolidated Application contains components that are collected in two distinct parts: 

  • The components in Part I represent the LEA’s annual plan (CLIP) for providing supports and services for students using federal funds under the ESEA/ESSA law and coordination with under federal funds such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 
  • The components in Part II represent required annual ancillary documentation to accompany the LEA’s plan:​
    • Overall General and Program Specific Assurances​
    • Prayer Certification​
    • Program Budgets​
    • Program Specific Worksheets​
    • Maintenance of Effort, Comparability​
    • General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) 427 Statement​

As part of the annual CLIP process, LEAs monitor the progress of their action steps. Within the CLIP application, LEAs use the CLIP Progress Monitoring Tool to evaluate how their plans are addressing identified needs. This tool captures the status of LEA action steps twice a year and is used to assist LEAs and GaDOE with evaluating the impact of federal funds on those identified needs.

Consolidated LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP) for FY25 ​Diagram 

Click to view the diagram in PDF format.

 CLIP Resources​


  • FY25 ​SLDS CLIP ​​Online and Streamlined CLIP Application Walkthrough - March 7, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. (Presen​tation Link)​

Shaun Owen
Deputy Superintendent
Federal Programs​​

John Wight
Associate Superintendent​​
Federal Programs
Phone: ​404-463-1857

​Wina Low
Interim State Director
Special Education Services and Supports

profile ky round.png
Kathleen A. Yarbrough, Ed.D
Director of Federal Programs​