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 High School Phase II Career Pathway Development

Pathway Planning (Georgia Career Pathways: Program of Study)

High School - Phase II Career Pathway Development - Implemented Fall 2008

Program Concentration: Agriculture

Forestry/Natural Resources Career Pathway

Plant Science/Horticulture Career Pathway

Other GPS Agriculture Courses (9-12)

Program Concentration: Architecture, Construction, Communications and Transportation

Flight Operations Career Pathway

Aircraft Support Career Pathway

Architectural, Drawing and Design Career Pathway

Construction Career Pathway

*Four Courses Required for Pathway Completion

Other GPS Architecture, Construction, Communications & Transportation Courses (9-12)

Program Concentration: Business and Computer Science

Financial Management - Accounting Career Pathway

Financial Management - Services Career Pathway

Interactive Media Career Pathway

Other GPS Business & Computer Science Courses (9-12)

Program Concentration: Engineering and Technology

Energy Systems Career Pathway

Electronics Career Pathway

Manufacturing Career Pathway

Engineering Graphics & Design Pathway

Other GPS Engineering & Technology Courses (9-12)

Program Concentration: Education

Early Childhood Education Career Pathway

Teaching as a Profession Career Pathway

Program Concentration: Culinary Arts

Culinary Arts Career Pathway

Program Concentration: Family and Consumer Sciences

Nutrition and Food Science Career Pathway

Other GPS Family and Consumer Sciences Courses (9-12)

Program Concentration: Healthcare Science

Therapeutic Services - Emergency Services Career Pathway

Therapeutic Services - Medical Services Career Pathway

Healthcare Informatics Career Pathway

Program Concentration: Marketing, Sales, and Services

Fashion Marketing Career Pathway

Marketing Communications and Promotion Career Pathway

Other GPS Marketing, Sales & Services Courses (9-12)

Contact Information

Emily Spann
Program Manager, Development & Transition, Career, Technical & Agricultural Education
Phone: 404-463-6405
Fax: 404-651-8984