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 Computer Science

​​​​​​​​Computer circuit board displaying global interconnectedness

​Computer Science (CS) education in Georgia is undergoing a transformation from a set of high school electives to a comprehensive K-12 discipline.  As our society experiences a shift into a widespread digital presence and awareness, our education system must also evolve. Students need to graduate with all the tools necessary to thrive in​ society; these tools now include a computer science education. CS education encompasses ideas such as digital literacy, digital competency, and computational thinking. This skill set will empower our students to solve many of our societal challenges and participate effectively in this digital age.

  • New! The Georgia Department of Education invites you to join us for MathCon & CS Con 2024! This summer conference will offer engaging professional learning to teachers and leaders related to the implementation and instructional planning for Georgia's Computer Science Standards of Excellence. Register here​ to attend this amazing conference!

  • New!​The Georgia Department of Education is excited to announce the kickoff of the 2023-2024 Compu​te​r Science Virtual Specialist Professional Learning Series. (Virtual Professional Learning for All Grade Levels)
  • GaDOE recently awarded its fifth round of CS4GA Computer Science Capacity Grants to 7 districts. Each district received up to $25,000 to build their teacher capacity for computer science.  In addition, GaDOE awarded it's second round of the Computer Science Teacher Equipement and Community Grant to 39 districts. Each district received up to $10,000 to support computer science teachers and classrooms. These funds are part of the 2019 Computer Science (CS) legislation that requires all middle and high schools to offer CS; middle schools by the 2022-2023 school year, and high schools by the 2024-2025 school year​​​​. The grant is a one-time award. The next grant period will open in August of 2024.​
  • In collaboration with Constellations, we hosted the 2022 Profesional Development Summit on June 21 - 22, 2022. Check out the recording from the 2022 PD Summit.
  • In collaboration with CS4GA and Constellations, we hosted the annual CS4GA Advocacy Summit on March​​​ 24 - 25, 2022. Check out the recordings from the 2020 Summit the 2021 Summit, and 2022 Summit. ​​​​​​
  • GaDOE recently awarded its fourth round of CS4GA Computer Science Capacity Grants to 17 districts. Each district will receive up to $25,000 to build their teacher capacity for computer science. These funds are part of the 2019 Computer Science (CS) legislation that requires all middle and high schools to offer CS; middle schools by the 2022-2023 school year, and high schools by the 2024-2025 school year​​​​. The grant is a one-time award. The next grant period will open in August of 2023.​

  • Computer Science has a new page on and an evolving data dashboard ​​​(check it out here!!​)
  • ​​Advocacy videos promoting K-8 Computer Science

  • ​​Georgia Virtual Learning has several online professional development courses for CS teachers. A series for Integrating Computational Thinking is publicly available and can be used to gain a nationally recognized credential from the International Society of Technology Education (ISTE) and provide credit towards the CS Endorsement at Georgia State University. Other courses are only available to Georgia teachers via your local SLDS and the GaLearns Hub professional learning portal (search for Computer Science).

Rules and Guidance

​​Computer Science Legislative Requirement

Official List of State Funded Courses for 2022-2023

​Federal Program Guidance

Teachers and Administrators

Instructional Resources for Computer Science Teachers 

Addtional Resources



  • Join CS4GA for year-round event information regarding CS Education (here)
  • T​he Constellations Center for Equity in Computing is focused on broadening participation in CS (here)
  • Check out the Technology Association of Georgia's K-12 education arm (TAG​-Ed) website for additional CS activities
  • Teachers, join the GaDOE Computer Science teacher community.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​