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 Student Safety and Wellbeing

​​​​Georgia Student Health Survey

The Georgia Student Health Survey (GSHS) is an anonymous, statewide survey instrument that measures school climate perceptions and identifies safety and health issues that have a negative impact on student achievement and school climate. ​Learn more​...

View GSHS results here​.

Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs​

Prevention and intervention efforts that address student alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) abuse are vital for keeping students safe, healthy, and in school. Tiered strategies that address both prevention and intervention within a positive school climate can help students build protective factors and resilience strategies to decrease the prevalence and occurrence of student ATOD use and related risk behaviors. Learn more...

Child Abuse and Child Protection​

Educators who work with school-age children and youth are in the unique position of being “on the front lines” of recognizing the warning signs of possible child maltreatment and endangerment. Georgia law requires annual training for educators to help protect our most vulnerable populations.​ Learn more...

Suicide Prevention​ / Mental Health

Since the Jason Flatt Act became Georgia law in 2015, schools have been required to provide annual suicide prevention training for staff. Effective suicide policies and protocols that encompass tiered prevention, intervention, and postvention should include training and resources for educators who are interacting with children and youth, including mental health awareness and supports. Learn more...

Bullying Prevention Toolkit

Many school districts are seeking tools to use in the development of bullying prevention strategies and activities. The purpose of this Bullying Prevention Toolkit is to provide information to aid efforts to prevent bullying.​ Learn more​​...

Student Attendance​

​Student absenteeism negatively affects student academic achievment. The Student Attendance webpage provides resources for improving student attendance. Learn more...​

The Student Discipline webpage provides student discipline data and resources for schools and school districts to report student discipline data accurately and consistently. Learn more​​...​​

Gang Awareness

Gang affiliation is not something that students leave behind when they enter the school building. If a gang presence exists at school, it cannot be ignored. School administrators should address gang-related issues head-on or they will fester, harm school climate, and impede the learning environment. Learn more​...

Protective Factors​

Protective factors are characteristics or behaviors that can reduce the impact of risk factors and help students achieve positive outcomes. Feeling connected to others and having a trusted adult are two of the most significant protective factors young people can experience. Learn more​...​​

​Health Barriers to Learning and Development Toolkit​​​​​​

​This toolkit was designed to provide schools with resources to support students who may have one or more health barriers to learning ​and potential partners to connect with in the community.​

Health and Wellness​



 Contact Information

Tabathia Baldy, EdD
Mental Health & Wellness Program Manager

Mark Muma
Program Manager, School Safety

Jeff Hodges
Program Specialist
Safe and Supportive Schools

Contact us at​​​

Find us on Twitter @GaDOEWholeChild​