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 Title I, Part C Education of Migratory Children


About Migrant Education

The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is a federally-funded program designed to 
​su​pport comprehensive educational programs for migrant children to h​elp reduce the educational disruption and other problems that result from repeated moves.

For more information about the Georgia MEP, please click on the links below:

​​​For additional information such as program, please visit the Georgia MEP "Areas of Interest" section to the right.

Follow us on Twitter @GeorgiaMEP​ and Facebook for access to current news and updates in Georgia.

Welcome to Georgia!

WELCOME TO GEORGIA! If you know of any migrant families or youth moving to our state, connect with our Georgia MEP Identification & Recruitment (ID&R) team.  ​


​​FY25 Georgia MEP Program Planning​

FY25 Streamlined Implementation Plan (IP) Form

FY25 Implementation Plan (IP) Observation Form (***Coming Soon***)

FY25 Self-Reflective Fidelity of Implementation Evaluation Form (***Coming Soon***)

FY​24 Georgia MEP Program Planning

FY24 Streamlined Implementation Plan (IP) Summer Form​​​

FY24 Streamlined Implementation Plan (IP) Summer Evaluation Form​

FY24 Streamlined Implementation Plan (IP) Form​

FY24 Implementation Plan Observation Form

FY24 Self-Reflective Fidelity of Implementation Evaluation Form​

FY24 Streamlined Implementation Plan (IP) Evaluation Form

​2024 Georgia MEP Summer Programs K-12

Summer programs are a pivotal element of Migrant Education Program (MEP)supplemental services. The summer time provides immense opportunities to extend learning and bridge any gaps caused by high mobility patterns and academic disruption during the regular school year. Additionally, services dedicated to out-of-school youth and dropouts increase during this time, providing a pathway for project plans from local educational agencies, community organizations, post-secondary educational institutions, etc. Click the links below for more information:

2024 Summer Programs Flyer (English)​

2024 Summer Programs Flyer (Spanish)​

2024 Georgia MEP Summer Program Online Application

The Georgia Department of Education's Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children has identified high school dropout prevention and increased awareness of post-secondary opportunities for migrant students as a priority. Through coordination with various universities in Georgia, the Georgia MEP provides middle and high school priority for service (PFS) students the opportunity to apply for these residential summer programs each year.

2024 Summer program camp offerings:
  • ​Georgia Sothern University (GSU) - Middle School Program​​ (J​une 2nd - June 7th)
  • Valdosta State University (VSU) - High School Program (June 2nd - June 9th)
  • University of Georgia (UGA) - High School Program (June 24th - June 28th)​
Link to all applications: 2024 Georgia MEP Summer Camp online Application​

Link to all flyers: 2024 Georgia MEP Summer Camp Flyers (.zip file)

Deadline for all Georgia MEP Summer Camp applications: April 15, 2024

USED Education of Migratory Children Fact Sheet

Protecting Access to Education for Migratory Children: A Resource for Families and Educators​​​​ - June 2023​ (PDF)

​FY 23 Identification & Recruitment/Data/Professional Development Training 1 - Resources and Materials

the GaDOE requires that direct-funded MEP staff and the ABAC consortium staff be trained to complete the various responsibilities and reports associated with this grant. The training sessions include Identification and Recruitment (ID&R), data reporting topics, and instructional professional development.​

​Below are the materials and resources for the first FY23 Identification & Recruitment (ID&R), Data and Professional Development (PD) Training conducted on August 12, 2022. ​​

CLICK HERE​​ to access the webinar recording. 

​​CLICK HERE​ to download all the presentations and materials for each session as well as any supplemental materials connected to the professional development session.​​​

FY 23 Georgia MEP Re-Sign Training

This training is designed to provide school district migrant staff and contacts with an overview of the Re-sign process for the Georgia MEP:

FY23 Georgia MEP Re-Sign Training​ (Webinar Recording - August 4, 2022)
FY23 Georgia MEP Re-Sign Training Presentation (PDF)​

​Georgia MEP ​ID&R Course Videos:

Success Stories of Students in the Migrant Education Program

The following student stories celebrate the success of migrant participants with the support of the Georgia Migrant Education Program. Each story speaks to the contributions of educators, migrant staff, school administrators, local districts, community partners and migrant parents in helping migrant participants reach their highest potential.

It is our hope that the success stories presented in this publication serve as a source of inspiration to other migrant students and parents, and that it becomes a valuable resource for engaging in dialogue with interested agencies and community leaders working together to not only enhance the services provided to migrant students and families but also to provide them with a better quality of life in their communities. Click on the image below to access the complete PDF publication:

​Georgia MEP's Consortium Incentive Grants ​

The U.S. Department of Education awarded four continuation Consortium Incentive Grants (CIGs) to 33 participating States. The CIG program provides financial incentives to SEAs to improve the interstate or intrastate coordination of migrant education programs by addressing key acade​mic needs of migratory children who have their education interrupted.  The Georgia Migrant Education Program (GaMEP​) has participated in three of the four funded CIG programs since 2015. 

  • Inspire and Innovate: The Migratory Parent Action Coalition (I2MPACT) is a Consortium Incentive Grant (CIG) designed to support state migrant education programs (MEPs) to increase migratory parent engagement and empowerment. ​For more information visit:

  • The Innovative Strategies for OSY and Secondary Youth (iSOSY) is a Consortium Incentive Grant (CIG) which develops resources and materials to address the needs of migratory youth. Our products help students identify and achieve their academic and career goals with support from innovative technology. Through collaboration among member states, we expand capacity at the state and local levels to support the success of out-of-school youth (OSY) and secondary students who are at risk of dropping out of high school. For more information visit:​​

  • IDRC (Identification and Recruitment Consortium) is one of four OME-funded Consortium Incentive Grants. The mission of IDRC is to develop resources, strategies, best practices, and creative solutions whose purpose is to improve and enhance ID&R activities in our 32 IDRC member states. For more information visit:​​​​

 Contact Information

​​​​​​Margarita Munoz
Senior ​Program Manager
Title I, Part C
Phone: ​404-272-8762

​​​​​​Cindell Mathis
Region 1 Coordinator
Title I, Part C
Phone: ​404-491-4725​​

Marisela Trejo
Region 2 Coordinator
Title I, Part C
Phone: ​404-561-​7819