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 Data Systems to Support Instruction

​​GA Awards State Longitudinal Data System Overview

The Alliance of Education Heads identified the need for cross agency reporting to support school systems, universities and education leadership to analyze and make improvements. Part of the Data Systems initiative is to develop and build the data system to support cross agency analyses. Georgia’s vision for its data system is one that provides seamless data access to all users throughout the pre-K, K-12, and college experience for students, parents, teachers, administrators and researchers.  The Race to the Top longitudinal data system will be called "GA Awards" data system and will be a data warehouse that resides with Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GAOSA).  It will host data provided by: Department of Early Care and Learning – DECAL; Dept. of Education – DOE; Georgia Student Finance Commission – GSFC; Professional Standards Commission – PSC; Technical College System of GA – TCSG; University System of GA – USG; Governor’s Office of Student Achievement – GAOSA 

The Ga Awards statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) will support statistical and business intelligence tools as well as reporting.


Data System’s Objectives:

  • Make educational data available that supports cross agency analysis

  • Establish an environment that will support data storage and access over time

  • Establish an environment that will both be valued by the community it supports and require minimum resources to maintain


Top GA Awards SLDS Project Scope:

  • Work with the Researchers of the participating agencies to develop a Requirements Document

  • Design and build a cross educational agency data model/schema, data warehouse, matching algorithms/code and tool integration

  • Work with the RT3 teams to support the reporting and research as it is defined and refined throughout the program

  • Prepare steady state processes that will ensure the ongoing ease of maintenance of the system

  • Develop both a data dictionary and a report catalog for the system


G​A Awards Longitudinal Data System:

  • Contains all 12 America COMPETES Act elements

  • One of 11 states with all ten Data Quality Counts (DQC) elements implemented

  • First state to comprehensively study and publish data on postsecondary enrollment

  • One of five states participating in Gates Foundation-funded pilot to enhance our ability to track students once they move on to postsecondary institutions

  • One of five states participating in the Gates-funded Teacher-Student Data Link Project to develop a common, best practice definition for teacher of record in order to validly link student-level data to teachers.

Through RT3 improvements to Georgia’s longitudinal data system, teachers and leaders will be able to use real-time student-level performance data to inform and improve instruction for students.

K-12 Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)

Georgia's Department of Education has a statewide longitudinal data system for grades K-12th.  It is designed to improve instruction by delivering student data, curriculum standards, and instructional resources to the teacher’s desktop through a district’s student information system. The Department of Instructional Technology provides on-site teacher and administrator training in how to access this valuable resource. Please contact us today for more information. Learn more…​​

Content Editor


GA Awards Data System

Kriste Elia
Governor's Office of Student Achievement - Data Systems Director


GADOE (K-12) Data System 

Keith Osburn, Ed. D.
Chief Information Officer
Deputy Superintendent for Technology Services
Georgia Department of Education
​404-938-2950 (cell)​​​